Thursday, June 19, 2014

Doctor Stranger: Couple Pairings

Doctor Stranger brought a lot of different emotions out of viewers and it's driving viewers crazy! It's one of the best dramas I have seen after Boys Over Flowers, You're Beautiful and Gu Family Book. But there is one thing that is still seriously bugging the viewers. Yes, I know you're all confused about several things, but this is one thing that is bugging a lot of viewers. We know Hoon is the main lead. But who is the female main lead? Man it's really killing everybody. First lets introduce the main leads.

1) Park Hoon

Park Hoon is a miracle doctor. He grew up in North Korea when his father was sent there and they were never allowed back. He is a sarcastic, playful and humorous character with an ugly past.

2) Song Jae Hee / Han Seung Hee.

This character is confusing.
With the long hair is Song Jae Hee, a happy, cheerful and bright girl. Hoon's first love who loves Hoon a lot and would give up anything for Hoon's happiness.
With the short hair is Doctor Han Seung Hee. She is serious, smart and talented. From what we've seen she is Song Jae Hee, but we can't be sure yet. But honestly, I believe she is Jae Hee. She is here with a North Korean agent intent on taking revenge on Hoon. She seems to be trying to protect Hoon with all that she can, even her own life.

3) Han Jae Joon

Doctor Han Jae Joon is a talented Heart Surgeon who graduated from Harvard. He is cold, intelligent and cunning. He looks emotionless but he has feeling but just hides them. Most of us viewers were convinced he would be evil but it turns out he's not as bad as we thought he was. We see him smiling and laughing with Hoon. He also has a dark, ugly and complicated past.

4) Oh Soo Hyun

Oh Soo Hyun is a 'quack', a name coined by Hoon. She is a normal doctor. The only thing that makes her out of the ordinary is that she's the hospital Director's illegitimate daughter. She is practical, thick headed and dumb.

Now that we have the leads straight, lets move onto the couples.

1) Park Hoon and Song Jae Hee / Han Seung Hee

I give them three pics because they are the couple that I ship. They seriously have gone through a lot and if they don't end up together I will track down the Director of the drama and kill him. Both of them grew up in North Korea together. Jae Hee was Hoon's first friend and then after he asked her to marry him she gets taken away because her father is a traitor to North Korea. Hoon becomes an expert North Korean doctor and is asked to do a surgery on her. Then both of them run away to Budapest but are tracked down. She gets shot and falls off a bridge. Then two years later she re enters the drama disguised as Han Seung Hee. They desperately try to live through it all and find a way out of North Korea's gaze.

2) Han Jae Joon and Oh Soo Hyun

I hope they end up together. Although Jae Joon intended to use Soo Hyun at first, the guy seriously fell in love with her. They were the most expected couple. Daughter of the Director and The Best Heart Surgeon. They both really do fit together and Jae Joon really likes her.

3) Park Hoon and Oh Soo Hyun

This is the couple I suppose most of the viewers ship. I don't ship them at all. No no no no no. I don't ship them and I never will. I don't like this couple. Am I the only one that doesn't ship them? Argh......

So female first lead battle is between Song Jae Hee / Han Seung Hee and Oh Soo Hyun:

I root for Song Jae Hee / Han Seung Hee!

Watch Doctor Stranger Here:

Saturday, June 7, 2014

My Views on Kris' Lawsuit Against SM

When Kris announced that he was going to file a lawsuit against SM all the EXO fans were shocked and it really hit hard. A lot of people cried, got angry, went into shock. I know I cried. I was enjoying 'Overdose' early in the morning and then my friend calls me and goes: "Oh my gosh! Kris filed a lawsuit against SM! What do we do?" I cried, I got angry, I refused to believe it. Although Kris is not my EXO bias (that spot belongs to Baekhyun) and neither is he my EXO-M bias (that spot belongs to Chen), as an EXO fan he is really important to me. I don't approve of people who call themselves fans and then say that they don't like a certain member in a group. That's not being a true fan. I love all the EXO members and I even had a rather inappropriate dream with Kris in it **ahem ahem**. Kris is special in EXO and I think we all agree. However there are somethings that I would like to say I observed after the development of Kris' lawsuit.

1) The controversial point in Kris' lawsuit:

"There's a controversial point in Kris' lawsuit? No way!"

That is your reaction I suppose and before I start let me make it clear I love Kris. When Kris filed his lawsuit his first reason was that SM didn't let him do things. As in what? Variety shows, musicals, ads, dramas, etc? Since they are not elaborating on this then yes, this is what it means. So we look at Baekhyun who is doing Overdose, Singing in the Rain and MCing, then we look at D.O who is doing a drama and movie and Overdose. Then you scream, "SM, be fair to Kris!". The next reason in Kris' lawsuit completely blows up the first reason. SM is over working him. Kris please, what? SM is overworking you? You just said SM didn't let you do anything! What is so tiring that is worse than what D.O and Baekhyun are doing? Point A exactly.

2) Kris' magical health problems.

"Now you're being funny and mean!"

Feel like throwing shoes at me? Well it's true. I know a lot of you are Kris biased and won't look at this from a neutral point of view. But to all of you EXO lovers out there who know Kris you all know how much he takes care of himself. Suho out there takes care of the other members and Kris takes care of himself. For those who watched EXO Showtime you guys know Kris never ate fried chicken before. He didn't eat oily fried stuff was his words. Look at the average american and the amount of junk food they consume. If Kris has heart problems, what the heck do they have? Heart problems don't come out of nowhere. It happened because he was overworked? OK, I think we stated this before but Kris doesn't work as hard as Kai and Lay. Look at those poor guys. Kai was in almost every teaser for their debut and we all agree SM leans towards him a little too much. Kris was a basket ball team captain for a long time. I think that ought to keep him healthy, right?

3) Kris is being selfish.

"Can I bow to your stupidity?"

Yes you all think I'm being mean and unreasonable. But let's take a look here. Kris disappeared. Do you hear me? Disappeared. The EXO members were completely clueless about his problems until it happened. OK, let's say Kris does have a heart problem. I mean people don't stand outside doctor's doors for no reason right? Why didn't Kris tell any of the members? He didn't want them to worry? That is complete bullshit. Excuse the bad language. They just did 'Overdose' and they were in the middle of promotions. Every SM artist knows how crucial promotions are. Kris just went ahead and did what he did. Did he realize the EXO members had to recreate the dance? If you watch overdose you will realize how crucial Kris is. The entire dance had to be recreated, his rap had to be given to someone else and if you see the EXO comeback message all of them have bags under their eyes, Tao's has gotten worse and he's barely smiling. They are damn tired because they had to work harder. EXO's concept is twelve members. How on earth does it work now? Who's going to be Yeollie's rap buddy, who's going to have the power of flight? Who's the leader of EXO-M? Kris is being irresponsible to fans right now too. I know you're crying and hugging a pillow and saying your Galaxy Oppa is perfect and he would never do anything to hurt you. Well, why are you crying right now, huh? Because of him. I've had my own emotional roller coaster and I wanted to throw myself off a cliff because EXO without Kris is not EXO. But I'm done crying over him. If he doesn't care about how we fans feel, so be it, I still hope he comes back because we need him and love him. He lived with the EXO members for over two years. Do you see the sense of betrayal they feel? That he didn't even confide in them? "We told you he didn't want them to worry author-nim!!" How is this helping EXO then? He didn't want them to worry so he made them work harder? please! Come to your senses readers!

4) SM didn't give Kris enough attention is a nonsensical excuse.

"Let me melt you with my glare!"

How many of you were there when 'History' came out? When their teaser's came out. Look at what Chen and Baekhyun got! You saw them in the corner of the screen, end of story. Kris, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun are the only ones who got personal, private teasers, without back-up dancers too, so Lay is not included. Kris got a pretty good teaser. When EXO first came out the first to names that rushed to peoples heads when EXO was mentioned was Kai and Kris. Kris is the leader when they go for international events. In international events lets say Suho didn't even exist because Kris was the one talking and communicating. EXO needs Kris. Listen to me scream that EXO NEEDS KRIS and he knew that! He knew it! Kris' fan group in Korea is small because he's Chinese but outside of China, Japan, Taiwan and Korea, Kris has the hugest fan group. Screw Kai and Luhan. They don't even get close to Kris' number of fans. SM isn't dumb OK? They knew how valuable Kris was and they gave him attention all in the right spots.

5) SM is not to blame.

"Excuse me? The whole world knows that SM Entertainment drive their stars like slaves!"

Not true my friends. Not true at all. We saw DBSK come to a fall, we saw Super Junior get crippled. Those were the mistakes SM made and they learnt from those mistakes. Look at Girls Generation, SHINee, F(x), BoA, Henry. Have they had problems like this? No! For heavens sake! Everyone who joins SM knows what they're going to get. You can't tell me Kris didn't read through that contract he signed. Just because SM works their stars a little harder than other entertainments doesn't mean they're slave drivers. I really dislike the people who are blaming SM for this incident. SM makes their stars work harder and have the other EXO members had complains like this? No. Suho once said that their schedule was really tiring but it was OK because they knew it would happen. This is what gets SM stars into the worldwide charts. SM is not to blame. OK? Sunny would kill her uncle if he was truly over working stars. You guys do know Sunny is Lee Soo Man's niece right?

6) Kris is in reality killing SM and EXO unintentionally or intentionally.

"Why are you blaming my Laxy oppa like this?"

There is a theory. Let me tell you, it's only a theory, that Kris is trying to sabotage SM. How can I be so cruel. I love Kris OK and I don't support this theory either but it is creepy how much sense this theory makes. Kris leaving EXO makes the Chinese fans look at SM like it's the worst thing in the world, and they regard the other Chinese members who didn't leave with Kris as traitors to their country. Korean fans are now regarding the Chinese members with distrust. This isn't just EXO. Think about Victoria, Henry, Zhou Mi, Amber. It isn't just SM, there's Chinese people scattered everywhere in the Korean entertainment industry. Like Jia of Miss A. These people are not trusted by the Koreans now and they are counted as traitors by the Chinese. If he's doing this intentionally I will use my imagination and say that he's doing this because an assassin said that if he didn't he'd kill the EXO members. If he's doing this unintentionally,Oppa wake up will you? Look at the disaster you brought! If you look at it, Kris seemed perfectly happy, he didn't seem to have any problems until the lawsuit showed up. So why he's doing this is confusing.

7) The EXO members have a right not to support him

"What are you saying? Are you a psycho? Someone call the police!"

Kris didn't tell the EXO members what he was going through. He didn't call them, he didn't consult them and how could he just go ahead and think that he had the worst problems? Look at Lay, he has a lot of problems. Especially as  a Chinese member. If he would've told the EXO members maybe they would have even supported him in the lawsuit. But he didn't tell anyone. Can you imagine the pain they feel? They lived as brothers for more than two years. Brothers! and he won't tell them his problems. What? Are you kidding? Well , they have every right not to support him. It's sad but true. The hurt they feel is pretty bad. And all of you Taoris shippers you can imagine the hurt Tao is going through. It's like Kris said bye to him through a news article, OK? He is badly hurt. How are the EXO members supposed to say "We Are One!" now? How depressing.

8) What do we Taoris shippers do now?

"OK, so if what you're saying is true author-nim how do we ship Taoris now?"

Exactly! How? Tao will end up becoming eleventh wheel. The guy needs someone and I don't approve of Tao with anyone other than Kris and the fans, end of story. Urgh. What do the Taoris shipper do now? Cry and write angsty fanfics. Believe me it's already started. There is nothing we can do for Taoris. I want to cry. What do we do? Don't ask me. I'll go and scream "TAORIS!" on my rooftop and maybe Kris will hear it all the way in Korea. Oh....wait, Kris isn't in Korea.

All I can say now is we must pray Kris and SM get a settlement. There. I have expressed myself and before you go report this to the cyber police let me make myself clear again. I love Kris a lot. A LOT. Got that?

I will leave you with that.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Identity Crisis

So I am doing a new Baekyeol fanfic. The last one called 'The Fairytale' was taken down for certain reasons. but I am back with an attempt at angst! So this is the personally made cover for it until I get what I requested for!

The fanfic is called 'Identity Crisis' You can find it on AFF. Here's the link!:

Thursday, June 5, 2014