Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Noragami Relationships: Nora and Yato

So now I'm finally doing a post on one of the most interesting and positively the most confusing relationship in all of Noragami. Nora and Yato's relationship. It's messed, wacky and well, sort of sweet at times as well. Recently on Mangafox I came across a thread that was full on hating Yato for what he had done to Hiiro/Nora. A lot of people got really mad at Yato while a lot of people just got really pissed off at Nora/Hiiro. Hope you don' mind if I call her Hiiro for now. Anyway, I will be expressing my views and showing you people that it is not necessary to hate either of them.

Hiiro and Yato grew up together, not that Hiiro was actually growing or anything...but anyway, Hiiro is probably a little younger than Yukine, at least that estimated guess. Hiiro and Yato grew up as friends, as siblings, as God and Shinki. Please, those of you that think Hiiro is in love with Yato, get your story straight. She is not, at least, hasn't shown any signs of it yet. Also, if she were, she would be depressed right now and that would mean that she'd be stinging their father and I doubt he'd let her slip past that. They are siblings and they care for each other in that way.

For those of you who blamed Yato for turning Hiiro into a stray. Yato was a child, he had no idea what was going on. If you've seen Ebisu in his reincarnated child form you will understand that his mindset is like of an innocent child's. So was Yato's. He didn't even know what a shinki was at first. He had no idea it was bad to have a stray. He thought it would be fine if he had Hiiro and so did his father. Then arises the question, why didn't Yato release her in the future when he finally understood? The point is, Yato is still under the power of his father even now. He only very recently got the guts to revoke Hiiro's name, plus, personally, I felt like he still has an affectionate side for Hiiro. There is one point when he tells her: "No matter what happens, why are you always smiling?"

In that case why did he so heartlessly revoke Hiiro's name if he was attached to her and she was attached to him? It was something that Yato did after a lot of thinking. We all know how painful it is for a Shinki to have his or her name revoked. It's like having someone tell you that you are of no use to them. It's a way of almost completely cutting off ties. It was horrifying for Hiiro and especially because Yato was the one that had turned her into a stray and he was almost half of her entire life. But Yato obviously felt hurt doing this. Personally, I believe Yato did this because he cared for her. She was being used by his father to hurt those around him, he was being forced to use her to hurt others, I think this was Yato's way of saying that he wasn't going to hate her any more for all that he was forced to do with her. It was a heart-breaking moment for both sides.

Why does Yato treat her like that? It's something that I've explained above. He's tied to his father through the wish he made for him and through Hiiro. He was forced to kill so many people with Hiiro, it hurts him to be around her. We need to remember that Hiiro is a Shinki as well, someone who still wants to live, who died with a pure and noble thought. Yato hates himself for making her kill so many people by his hand. That's why he treats her like that, he's a really tortured character and I wish people realize that. Hiiro probably never falters and keeps smiling because she does not wish to sting any of the Gods who have named her.

There's a point that has actually made me really suspicious about Hiiro actually. In the underworld arc, there is a point where Yato says she's strange and she's feels no emotions and she has always smiled. That point has made me wonder whether Hiiro has actually even fathomed that she is doing anything wrong. It's hard to understand, but I think Hiiro has been seriously brainwashed by Yato's father. We see here that Yato although he's hesitant about being close to Hiiro, even scared because she is so innocent and cares for him, he truly is comfortable around her and cares for her. We all know that Yato is like super-duper bad at expressing himself, so he doesn't know how to show his affection to Hiiro.

Here we see Hiiro get really concerned about Yato. She says that she is not afraid because their father will rescue them. Despite that faith and all her endless smiles, Hiiro still panics when Yato can't get out. She really does care for him as a sister would.

Last but not least, I think this is everyone's favourite Yato and Hiiro scene in the entire of the Manga. Here we actually come to understand these certain things. Yato knows Hiiro is attached to him, loves him like a brother and he pretty much cares for her like a sister, but they both have a past that they simply cannot forget. It's a rather torturous and sad past and it makes things so complicated. I know if possible, Yato would do anything to free Hiiro from their father. I hope they can solve the things between them.

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