Thursday, April 16, 2015

Noragami: Yato's Different Versions

So then I realized while re-reading and re-watching 'Noragami', Yato tends to have as many behavioural changes as a Multiple Personality Disorder Patient. So here, I shall be discussing his different versions to express my different views and what not. Wow, I'm putting up a lot of Anime posts, I should just make a separate Anime blog. You know what? I think I'll do just that. Moving on, the first personality I'll be discussing will be the first one that we saw.

1) Yato: The Delivery God

Yes, our lovable and adorable Delivery God who is the cutest, jobless bum in the world. Who wouldn't fall for his charm? The moment I saw his eyes, I was a goner. This guy is ridiculous, has no shame, gets trampled upon for his imperfections all the time and he really does act weird but lovably. I mean who can resist this guy?

2) Yato: The Hiyori-Obsessed God

Yes, we all saw this stage, when Yato went completely Hiyori crazy when he thought Hiyori would forget him. He stalked her on foot, by phone, by air, by tree, you name it. But then recently we came across the point where he goes crazy after being separated from her and he even wears her clothes, eats her letters and thinks that Yukine is her. I know...insane, but cute.

3) Yato: Messed-Up Past and Tortured God

We didn't get to see much of this guy in the anime, but in the manga, he's friggin rampant and it makes my heart bleed and cry when I see him like this. I think the only time we saw him in the anime was during the non-existent Rabo arc and Hiyori lost her memories of him, even then it wasn't that serious. If you see a cying Yato wouldn't you want to hug him? Because I definitely wanted to. It really makes me dislike people who regard him as a complete douche and haven't see this side of him yet.

4) Yato: The God of Fortune

We haven't seen this guy much, he just recently became a god of fortune thanks to Hiyori giving him a shrine and Yukine training him and his own incessant begging to the heavens. At first, Yato was just wanting to be a recognized God and have followers but then after coming back from the underworld, he understood the meaning of being a God for others happiness.

5) Yato: The Magatsukami or The God of Calamity

Oh yes, this identity that Yato has been trying to hide for so long. For real? Yes, Yato, or should I say, Yaboku was a real fierce and bloody God of Calamity who was not afraid of killing at all. In the anime, we thought that we knew him, but we didn't in the slightest. This god has such a dark reputation, the very mention of the 'Magatsukami' brought shivers up people's spines.

6) Yato: The Insane Wacko God

Let's end this with one of Yato's positive personalities. We see this guy everywhere and pretty much all the time, although I often felt like he wasn't portrayed well enough in the anime. Well, that doesn't really matter. This guy can be really, really, really obnoxious, but he's really cute and adorable in his own way and no matter how ridiculous he can be, you will always love him in the end.

That will be all, my lovely Yatoites!

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